Research Articles
Joyce, K., Bourke‐Taylor, H. and Wilkes‐Gillan, S. (2017). Validity of the Assistance to Participate Scale with Parents of typically developing Australian children aged three to eight years. Aust Occup Ther J, 64: 381-390.
Cheung, L., Brown, T., & Yu, M-L. (2023). The Relationship Between School-age Children’s Self-reported Perceptions of Their Interoceptive Awareness and Emotional Regulation: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention, in press.
Bourke-Taylor, H.M., Lee, D.C.A., Tirlea, L., Joyce, K., Haines, T. (2021). Support for the mental health of mothers of children with a disability: Systematic review, meta-analysis and description of interventions, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 51(10): 3690-3706. DOI: http://10.1007/s10803-020-04826-4.
Bourke-Taylor, H.M., Joyce, K., Tirlea, L. (2022). Profile of mothers of children with a disability who seek support for mental health and wellbeing, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 52(9): 3800-3813. DOI:
Bourke-Taylor, H.M., Joyce, K., Tirlea, L., Morgan, P., Reddihough, D. (2021). Influences on the health promoting behaviours of mothers of children with developmental disability, Research in Developmental Disabilities (submitted only)
Bourke-Taylor, H.M., Grzegorczyn, S., Joyce, K. (2021). Peer mentor training: Pathway to competency for facilitators of Healthy Mothers Healthy Families, Child, Care, Health and Development (In press, March 2021)
Bourke-Taylor, H.M., Joyce, K., Tirlea, L. (2021). Mental health and health behaviour changes for mothers of children with a disability: effectiveness of a health and wellbeing workshop, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (In press, March 2021) DOI: 10.1007/s10803-021-04956-3
Bourke-Taylor, H.M., Cotter, C., Joyce, K., Morgan, P., Reddihough, D. (2022). Fathers of children with a disability: Health, work and family life issues, Disability and Rehabilitation, 44(16), 4441-4451.[HB5]
Bourke-Taylor, H.M., Joyce, K., Tirlea, L. (2021). Initial development and evaluation of My Family’s Accessibility and Community Engagement (My FACE) tool for families of children with disabilities, American Journal of Occupational Therapy (minor revision, returned to AJOT Jan 21st, 2021)
Bourke-Taylor, H.M., Joyce, K., Tirlea, L. (2021). Further psychometric evaluation of the My Family’s Accessibility and Community Engagement (My FACE) tool: Mothers’ ratings of perceptions of community accessibility and engagement for their child with disabilities, Research in Developmental Disabilities (in press, July 2021). DOI: 10.1016/j.ridd.2021.103955