Welcome to Stretchy Minds Paediatric Occupational Therapy.

Clinic, Mobile and Telehealth Services

We strive to empower children, young people and their families with a stretchy mind and a strong sense of self.

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Occupational Therapy for children, young people and families.

Paediatric Occupational Therapy is a pretty unique profession that views participation in meaningful activities as essential to physical, emotional and social wellbeing, and healthy child development.

Put simply, we help children, young people and families to do what they want to, need to, or are expected to do in everyday life across home, community and educational settings.


Choose your own adventure.

We take a holistic approach to therapy, tailoring the approach to suit the unique needs of each child and family. Our aim is to empower you with the knowledge and skills to thrive - whatever that may look like for you!

We offer clinic, mobile and telehealth therapy services, and enjoy working closely with families, schools and other health professionals.

What is a Stretchy Mind?



A stretchy mind is strong, resilient and adaptive. A stretchy mind creates solutions, learns new skills, and has fun along the way.


A stretchy mind interacts well with others, makes friends, and finds joy in meaningful activities.


A stretchy mind connects with its body to notice, process and modulate sensation, and to move in different ways.


With a stretchy mind, we can harness our strengths to navigate through life, to thrive and to overcome any bumps in the road.